Run for the hills. The robots are taking over. You think we're joking, but that's a topic for another day. This is our bold statement on the little town VOLTAGE grew up in. Louisville, CO. Featuring an out of this world cyber threat stomping down mainstreet and in specific about to defend or destroy our little HQ. Either outcome, this graphic will be nostalgic. Own one before they are gone!! The HD stands for Heavy duty. Made of a premium heavyweight 13.5oz/450gm fleece, and trimmed with the finest, most durable details, like antique silver eyelets and silver lace tips. Built to outlast any kind of extra terrestrial or AI threat. Featuring reverse coverstitch sewing on all seams for durability and strength. Limited run - always original. Black or Cream.
Featuring a "MegaGrafik" by MAX whose designs have graced creature skateboards and other fine brands gear. This is a one-of-a-kind for the hometown!! Blank on the frontside.